Suzette Madson, PT Home
Suzette Madson, PT specializes in orthopedic, sports, and dance physical therapy. Treatment techniques include manual therapy, including muscle energy technique, Craniosacral Release, joint mobilization and myofascial release technique; exercise and body mechanics training; movement education; and technique analysis and education.
Every treatment is uniquely individualized to each person's condition and circumstances.
Patients requiring aquatic exercise may have their sessions at the nearby Bellevue Aquatic Center.
Telehealth Services are available for assessment and consultation for continuing treatment, exercise and movement education, ergonomics and mechanics evaluation, and technique assessment. Telehealth services are available for clients in Washington State and New York State.
Online Courses are offered periodically for established and new clients. Currently offered courses:
Class: Injury Prevention and Management for Dancers
4- Week Dancers Workshop: Injury Prevention and Management for Dancers
Consultation and workshops are available to support health and safety in all areas of the dance community, the workplace, and specialty groups.
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